Popular streamer Ninja slams Fortnite cheaters who take part in teaming, calling for Epic Games to do something to ‘mitigate’ the issue. | Source: Robert Reiners / Getty Images / AFP
Popular streamer Ninja unloaded on Fortnite cheaters who he says are ruining the battle royale juggernaut’s competitive landscape. The streamer, real name Tyler Blevins, also demanded that Fortnite developer Epic Games “mitigate” the issue of cheating in the game.
Fortnite Teaming Scandal Clouds Cash Cup Tourney
Here’s the backstory: Professional Fortnite player and Faze Clan member Sway was caught “teaming” in a recent Solos Cash Cup tournament. Sway apologized on Twitter, alleging that it wasn’t his “intention to team up on anybody.”
about yesterday.. pic.twitter.com/8hRsWjgLVz
— Sway (@FaZeSway) August 29, 2019
However, many felt that the damage had been done and called for Epic to do something about teaming in the game.
One of the loudest voices belonged to Fortnite legend Ninja.
Ninja Calls Out Epic Games for Doing Too Little to Prevent ‘Teaming’
Ninja didn’t attack Sway by name, but he argued that players must behave with “more professionalism” when they compete in Fortnite Solos Cash Cups.
The streamer, who has just reached two million followers on Mixer, suggested that Epic Games should regulate these Fortnite tournaments by banning the use of team-speak software Discord in solo events. He acknowledged that was unlikely to happen, but he admonished Epic Games to mitigate the issue “as much as possible.”
My thoughts on the teaming/cheating in online cups situation. Its unfortunate but at the end of the day it is up to fortnite to mitigate this as much as possible. pic.twitter.com/JIgSKMI8z1
— Ninja (@Ninja) August 29, 2019
I know how fun and cool it might seem to be in a discord with your homies in solo cash cups but there has to be more professionalism. https://t.co/vIFcyUVPeZ
— Ninja (@Ninja) August 29, 2019
Dear epic games!
Force everyone in competitive fortnite to have random skins (to others) and force anon mode. Maybe even change the time of day for different people to prevent teaming! Should mitigate some of the teaming scenarios.
— Ninja (@Ninja) August 29, 2019
Ninja revealed several other suggestions to preserve the integrity of single-player tournaments.
Epic Games could “force everyone in competitive fortnite to have random skins (to others) and force anon mode,” he said.
The developer could also host tournaments at different times of the day so that players who often play together at the same time would not be able to team up.
However, clamping down on cheating might not be enough to get Fortnite back in Ninja’s good graces. As CCN reported, the streamer recently rage-quite a Fortnite game and began to stream Minecraft on his channel, stating he’d “had enough” of the game’s controversial B.R.U.T.E mechs.
Source: CCNThe post appeared first on XBT.MONEY